Articles by Initial Letters
„Mentünk utána mindenűvé”
Beszélgetés Sík Ferenccel Rábai Miklósról
Food and tradition – preserving by drying. After a short survey of international historical/geographical information on drying fruits (focusing on areas around the Mediterranean and dried prunes, raisins, figs, dates), she turns to dried fruits and tradition in Hungary and the region. Includes description and recipe for Armenian T’tu lavash (a sort of fruit leather). There is mention of storing dried figs rubbed with various spices (cumin, caraway, anise) and wrapped in fig leaves. The German cake known as stollen made with dried fruits and the Hungarian version known as püspökkenyér (bishop’s bread) are also described. Includes descriptions of the Polish method for making compote and soups from dried fruit, and drying fruit in Hungary in the 16th, 17th centuries. By ethnographer Juhász Katalin.