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Egg recipes from the oldest old Hungarian cookbooks. Probably the first Hungarian cookbook was published by Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós in 1695 in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca (Transylvania), and it has been re-published over and over again: in the 18th century, in 2003 and so on. 10 egg recipes from this book are printed here, including: egg-cheese, milk-egg aspic, poached egg, stuffed eggs, egg-fried bread. The second oldest Hungarian cookbook is Czifray István’s cookbook printed in Budapest by publisher Trattner János in 1816. This book has also seen many reprintings. There are 64 egg recipes in it – some are under the heading of „Foods for Lent”, others under „Egg Dishes”. Some of the recipes are: ox eye, egg pie, carp blood pie, egg sausage, baked eggs. By ethnographer Juhász Katalin.