44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 42
Traditional Hungarian food – what Hungarians do with thick cooked porridge? We hear about the many colorful names for dishes using porridge cooked from various grains. Chunks of cooked porridge are often dipped in egg, rolled in breadcumbs and fried. There are many variations thereof. This can be either a sweet or savory meal – a dessert or main dish. Grains often used are farina wheat or rice. There are plenty of references to and recipes for this kind of dish from the mid 1800s onwards, and they are still prepared today. Recipes provided here: fried rice pudding, farina sausagettes with wine, rice sausagettes with wine foam, rice ’sausages’ with chocolate, rice ’pears’, fried cooked farina wheat. By ethnographer and traditional foods specialist Juhász Katalin.