44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 13

Bukovina Life Stories – Kóka Rozália’s new series. Lőrincz Gergely’s lifestory. He was born Nyisztor Gergely in the village of Istensegíts/Țibeni in Bukovina, Romania in 1932. When his family was expelled from Romania with the other Bukovina Hungarians in 1941 – the Hungarian authorities changed his family name to Lőrincz because they thought Nyisztor didn’t sound Hungarian enough. As an adult he emigrated, lived and worked in Yugoslavia, Belgium and Germany. While still living in Germany he decided to write down the old Székely words and expressions he remembered. There were enough of them to fill a book which was published in 2014, entitled "Székely édesanyám sok szép szava” [My Székely mother’s beautiful words].