Articles by Initial Letters
Lemezkiadó a periférián – IV., befejező rész
Beszélgetés Böszörményi Gergellyel – IV., befejező rész
Periferic Records. A record label on the perifery – final (4th) part of conversation with Böszörményi Gergely. Periferic Records produces contemporary popular and alternative Hungarian music, Hungarian folk music, jazz, etc. Their recordings are sold to specialty record distributors and stores all over Europe, North and South America and in Japan. They also import recordings from 44 foreign companies. They are interested, for example, also in making recordings that at one time – under the government prior to 1990 – were not allowed to be released. Böszörményi is also active in local radio, organizing concert events and festivals in Budapest and collaboration with film and television. By K. Tóth László