Articles by Initial Letters
Lajtha László írásai I-II.
New publication: Berlász Melinda: The writings of Lajtha László I–II (two volumes) published by Rózsavölgyi, Budapest, 2022. Musicologist Berlász Melinda also published a biographical monography of Lajtha László in 1984, then in 1992 she published a precursor to the present new publication. Lajtha László (1892–1963), was a Kossuth prize winning Hungarian composer, folk music researcher, and music educator, well-known in táncház circles for his collections of the traditional instrumental music of the Transylvanian village of Szék/Sic. Along with his works on folk music, the new volumes also contain Lajtha’s writings on folk dance and much more. Announcement by Németh László.