Articles by Initial Letters
Kriterion Koszorú
2021-ben a rangos elismerést Markó Béla költőnek és Novák Ferenc koreográfusnak ítélték oda
Novák Ferenc received the Kriterion Wreath Award. This Hungarian Transylvanian cultural award is given to exceptional personalities whose work has brought news of Transylvania to the world. Novák Ferenc „Tata” was born in Transylvania in 1931. Though he has lived the greater portion of his life in Hungary, the experiences of his Transylvanian childhood have greatly influenced his art and work. Novák was a founder of the Bihari Folk Dance Ensemble, artistic director and choreographer of the Honvéd Ensemble (now the National Folk Dance Ensemble) for some 30 years, and was amongst those who started the dance house movement. „His life and work has touched the lives of so many”. From the laudation at the award ceremony on October 9, 2021 at the Hungarian Heritage House in Budapest – by Korniss Péter.