Articles by Initial Letters
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P. Vas János’ column: Old writings still interesting today. Superstition and beliefs from all over the Hungarian language area involving the home and its furnishings (threshold, master beam, the furniture, mirror, windows etc). A few examples: In Tiszaszalka if a young man wants to get rid of a girl, he must collect nine of her footprints in a bag and put the bag under the rain gutter – then the spell can be broken. In the Jászság region they say that if the cat jumps up on top of the wardrobe and purrs, there will either be a wedding or a christening at the house. "Whoever glances at him/herself in the mirror at the stroke of midnight by candle or lamplight, will see the devil himself.” "It is especially dangerous to make an infant look at his or herself in the mirror, because the child’s teeth may not come in properly, it will have difficulty learning to speak or perhaps will never speak at all.” From a book by Fazekas and Székely published by Magvető Kiadó, Budapest. 1990. (based on Szendrey and Szendrey’s Dictionary of Superstitions)