Articles by Initial Letters
„Kicsi Kóta” csűrjétől a Folklór Adatbázisig
Beszélgetés Pávai Istvánnal, a Hagyományok Háza címzetes igazgatójával
Interview with Pávai István – esteemed honorary director of the Hungarian Heritage House. Mr. Pávai talks about his career and work as an ethnomusicologist, starting in his native Transylvania, and then after he relocated to Budapest in 1994 to work with the folk music collections of the Hungarian Museum of Ethnography and the Institute of Musicology. When the Hungarian Heritage House was established in 2001 (20 years ago!) he also joined the staff there. He has been instrumental in the folk music collection project known as „Utolsó Óra/Final Hour”, has developed and initiated cataloging, archival procedures and related data bases for the collections of all three institutions, has curated important exhibitions at the Hungarian Heritage House honoring the folk music collection work of Bartók Béla, Kodály Zoltán, Lajtha László and Vikár Béla and authored the accompanying publications. The list of his other publications is lengthy. By Csinta Samu.