Articles by Initial Letters
Ki volt Rábai Miklós?
Who was Rábai Miklós? An account of Rábai's life and work until the end of the forties. This is the man who became the first director of the Hungarian State Ensemble and held that postiton until his death in the early seventies. Rábai was a man whose endless energy and curiosity for folklore, music and dance led him into the villages in eastern Hungary during this period to learn the dances of the people there. He was able to gather young people together and inspire them through his enthusiasm and guidance. This period in the late forties is when he began choreographing and formed a dance group within the framework of the Hungarian Scouts before he moving to Budapest. Since the táncház movement began, his work has been considered rather dated and out of style. Just as today's choreography reflects current trends in folklore, Rábai's work reflected the trends in folklore of his time. By Vadasi Tibor