Articles by Initial Letters
Kettős jubileum
Beszélgetés Gryllus Dániellel, a Kaláka együttes vezetőjével
This year (2004) the Kaláka Ensemble celebrates its 35th anniversary, while the Kaláka Folk Festival celebrates its 25th anniversary. The article includes discography, listing the group’s 19 recordings. This reknowned group is Hungary’s most well known group involved in setting famous poetry to folk music. More than two generations of Hungarians have grown up to this music – their music appeals to an audience that extends beyond dance house circles. Over the years, the group has established its own record label and music store, started a music festival, performs at festivals abroad and gives concerts all over the Hungarian language area. They are an institution. Conversation with director of the group, Gryllus Dániel. By K. Tóth László.