Articles by Initial Letters
Jubileum: korlátok és kapaszkodók
In memoriam „Ifiház”
The 20th National Solo Dance Festival was held in Békéscsaba on January 21–23, 2011. Held every two years, dancers enter this festival in hopes of impressing a jury of professionals in the field of Hungarian folk dance. If so, they may be awarded the „golden spur” (for men) or the „golden pearl” (for women). Three time winners achieve the rank of eternal golden spur or pearl. Dancers compete by dancing compulsory material for couples or solo men’s dances (this year: magyar verbunk from Nagyecsed, men’s dances from Örgöngösfüzes, csárdás from Bag, couple dances from Bogártelke), as well as a dance material chosen by the dancers. Dancers get a limited time on stage. They train from archival films of traditional dancers and/or other dancers proficient in the specific dance material. See report in Hungarian for names of jury (zsűri) members and names of this year’s winners. A number of additional prizes are awarded by other organizations. Report by B. Koltai Gabriella.