44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
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Duna TV’s Etnoklub. This article comments on the younger generation of folk musicians in Budapest’s dance house movement and the new program on this music on the Hungarian satellite TV station Duna TV. Young bands mentioned are Rekontra and Buda Folk Band compared with the older generation (Sebő, Halmos, Muzsikás) and a middle generation (Csiga, Árendás, Szalonna). Venues mentioned by name are Bír-lak (Budapest 7th district) and the Gödör (at Deák tér, Budapest). The host of the TV show, Katona Erika, is criticised, as are the young musicians – for being a bit too young, too full of themselves and too raw. By Grecsó Krisztián. First published in Élet és Irodalom, LIV./17. 2010 April 30.