Articles by Initial Letters
Húsz év Méta
Beszélgetés Salamon Beáta prímással (Táncházi portrék. Hagyományok Háza, 2003)
Méta Ensemble is 20 years old. Interview with Salamon Beáta, lead fiddler. Méta is one of Budapest’s revival bands. For many years they had a dance house every Sunday on Somogyi utca in Budapest’s 8th district. Presently members of the band play for the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble. They have released a new CD of new recordings of their all-time favorite tunes. They are planning a concert tour of 19 counties. Members of the band are: Salamon Beáta – lead fiddle, Gera Attila – clarinet and other flutes, Nagy Zsolt – viola, Mohácsy Bertalan – double bass, Porteleki Zoltán – cymbalom. Guest singer: Németh Ferenc. By Abkarovits Endre