44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 42
Traditional foods: flat breads in the Hungarian peasant kitchen. Starting with a glance at flat breads in international food traditions, the writer then hones-in on the history of flat breads in Hungarian eating culture, making the distinction between unleavened flat breads and flat breads made with leavening. [A basic understanding here is that today Hungary is a nation dedicated to the raised loaf of bread.S.F.] A brief survey of remnants of variations on flat breads still in existing in Hungarian culinary tradition is followed up with selected recipes: Cornmeal flatcakes baked on cabbage leaves, Buzsák baked paprika flat bread, Kisbajom miller’s wafer, Szatmárcseke paska (or matza type) cracker, Palóc potato flat bread. By ethnographer Juhász Katalin.