Articles by Initial Letters
Halottas szokások a moldvai Lészpeden
Tradition related to death in the village of Lészped/Lespezi in Romanian Moldavia as described by Hungarian Csángó Moldavian informants from the village. These are rural customs of an impoverished agrarian culture, where everything to do with death occurred in the home, until the 3rd day when a procession carried a dead relative to mass, then to the cemetery for burial. Subject matter presented: Signs/superstitions of impending death, dying, customs for preparing the body, crying/wailing for the dead, the funeral procession from the house to the church for mass then burial, remembering the dead, the feast at home after the burial, the grieving period. Rather than visiting the dead in the cemetery, everyone ‘visits’ the dead in their thoughts, dreams, in family conversation... By Halász Péter.