Articles by Initial Letters
Geréb tisztelete
Mona néni was with first group of students at the Békés-Tarhos Singing School. In 1946-47 local school teacher Gulyas György gathered children with the best singing voices from the surrounding villages and founded the Békés Tarhos State Singing School. The school used Kodály Zoltán’s methods for music education. It functioned until 1954.
Page 8 - inset: The Békés Tarhos Singing School experiment
Page 9 inset - on why they call her "Mona néni"
Page 11 inset: Kodály’s speech opening the "Music Pavilion" 1953 May 1
Page 8 - inset: The Békés Tarhos Singing School experiment
Page 9 inset - on why they call her "Mona néni"
Page 11 inset: Kodály’s speech opening the "Music Pavilion" 1953 May 1