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A Csemadok Életmű díjas Jókai Mária ma is aktív
Jókai Mária recieves Csemadok Lifework Award. Csemadok is a cultural association of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia. Jókai Mária is retired but still active today. Her work centered mainly in Western Slovakia began in 1955 when she started teaching in a Hungarian school in Kaláz/Klasov, a village in Western Slovakia’s Nitra Region. Her activities often focused on traditional children’s games of the Zoboralja region, seasonal folk customs, folk embroidery, traditional costume. Here she recollects projects with Bethlehem Christmas pagent-play customs, a research collection project (sponsored by Csemadok) in the early 1970s where amateur and professional folklorists joined forces to collect local folklore material. Today she is involved in putting together a regional house museum in the village of Aha and projects documenting local folk costume. By Neszméri Tünde – first published 2022 jan. 30 www.felvidé