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Gasztronómiai kalandozás a Körös völgyében I.
Szarvas és környéke
Traditional Hungarian Kitchen: Körös Valley Part I. The Szarvas Region. The farming communities of Hungary’s Szarvas region have been inhabited by both Hungarians and Slovaks for centuries. The local cuisine is a mixture of both gastronomical traditions. Typical to this area are: brindza, caraway, haluska (noodles or dumplings with cabbage, etc), meat stews (pörkölt), great sausages, mutton, pork, poultry and fish. The soup for celebrations is traditionally chicken soup with vinegar and thickened with sour cream. Recipes provided are: Szarvas wedding soup for 100, potato soup, mutton stew with millet, Szarvas thin sausages, brindza cottage cheese and kapusznyika or lekvárnyika – a large baked pancake shape dough folded and filled with cabbage or plum jam. By Juhász Katalin. Source: Forschner Rudolf: A Körös-völgye, Szarvas gasztronómiája. Budapest, Planétás, 2005.