44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 05
Book review: Fügedi János: Tánc-Jel-Írás. L’Harmattan kiadó-MTA Zenetudományi Intézet, 2011 Budapest. ISBN 978-963-236-410-0. In Hungarian. A guidebook for notating solo and circle dance forms of Hungarian folk dance using Lábán dance notation. This review gives us information on history of dance notation in Hungary, then acquaints us with Fügedi János’ (an internationally recognized expert in this field) research and teaching background. Fügedi studied under Szentpál Mária and Lányi Ágoston – both of whom were esteemed experts in this field in Hungary. The reviewer acquaints us with Martin György’s theory behind his use of dance notation in his famous work on the Transylvanian dancer Mátyás István “Mundruc”, then ends voicing the hope that Fügedi will continue with another volume on notating couple dances and implement dances. By Karácsony Zoltán.