44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 38
Interview with saxophonist, clarinetist Borbély Mihály upon recent release of a new recording with his band Borbély Műhely. The new record is called "Grenadilla" after the dark wood used to make clarinets and tarogatos. Recently the Hungarian portal JazzMa.hu voted Borbély the best in 3 categories: saxophone, alto sax, clarinet. So, Borbély plays great jazz, but in dancehouse circles he is also well-known for the 4 decades or so he has been (and still is) a member of Vujicsics Ensemble (folk music of former Yugoslavia and Southern Slavic minorities in Hungary). By Nagy Szilvia (first published in Pomázi Polgár Feb. 2020).