Articles by Initial Letters
Ez volt a dolgunk – Meghalt Novák Ferenc Tata
Élet és Irodalom – LXVIII. évfolyam, 34. szám, 2024. augusztus 23.
Novák Ferenc Tata Has Died "…the public Novák Tata never spared himself, or his environment…He believed that if folk dance is put on stage then it must change the world - from the begining he insisted that it wouldn’t work without a message …I saw him as a European citizen…with colleagues from Slovakia or Romania he considered this region to be OUR Carpathian basin….He was an ethnographer, did field collection work; he was the analytical type, he formed opinions, he moved people to action, he was a dancer and a contemporary - and perhaps even the best choreographer til now." Excerpts from the obituary by Grecsó Krisztián. First published in "Élet és Irodalom" 34. 2024 Aug 23.