44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 19
Kóka Rozália’s series: Stories of Hungarian Women. Part one of the life story of Sister Csillag Etelka (born 1930) who grew up on a farm near Szeged in southeastern Hungary. Etelka decided as a teenager that she wanted to devote her life to God. Her family consented and she was accepted into a group of Catholic nuns. When she was still a novice the political situation (after 2nd World War) had become so unfavorable for religious organizations that she could only continue very discretely or in secret, and for several years had to work as a servant and nanny for countryside families. By the end of 1956 Sister Etelka ended up in the village of Mucsfa in Hungary’s Tolna County working with Bukovina Székely immigrants...