Articles by Initial Letters
Erdélyi Tibor – A Népművészet Mestere, népi szobrász új kötete
Erdélyi Tibor – Folk Artist. Upon release of a book on his folk sculptures, photographs of this folk artist’s work are printed in this issue of folkMAGazin. Erdélyi Tibor was born in 1932 in the town of Csenger in northeastern Hungary. He grew up amidst the rural traditional culture of the region. In 1948 he went to Budapest, got his secondary school diploma and finished an apprenticeship in carpentry and restoration at the Hungarian Museum of Crafts and Industrial Arts. In 1952 he was chosen by Rábai Miklós to join the first corps of dancers in the Hungarian State Folk Dance Ensemble and soon became a soloist. Since then he has amassed a list of state and national awards and recognition for his dancing, choreography, the folk ensembles he has directed and for his folk sculpture and wood carving. He is still active today.