44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 04
Two new publications: The Voivodina Hungarian Folklore Center has released two publications, both edited by Nagy István and Raj Rozália (2018. Szabadka/Subotica, Voivodina, Serbia). One is a 3 DVD set on festivals that have been going on in Voivodina since 1997 – with the aim of rating (and encouraging) performance and quality of Voivodina Hungarian folk dance ensembles. The other publication includes CDs and an extensive booklet on Young Masters of Hungarian Folk Art titles awarded to young folk artists from Voivodina. Regions in Voivodina with significant Hungarian population are known as: Bácska, Bánát, Szerémség. Included in the 3 DVD set is a piece written by Diószegi László president of Budapest’s Martin György Folk Dance Association on his memories from 20 years of participation in the Voivodina Hungarian folk dance festivals. He gives special mention of Cirkalom Folk Dance Ensemble from the town of Topolya/Bačka Topola which has participated in every festival earning top ratings each time.