Articles by Initial Letters
Előszó – II. rész
Kóka Rozália: Bukovinai székelyek a történelem országútján. Fekete Sas Kiadó, Budapest, 2022
New publication: Kóka Rozália: Bukovinai székelyek a történelem országútján Fekete Sas Kiadó Budapest 2022 – ISBN 978-615-6168-20-7. The second part of the forward by Halász Péter is printed here. Much of the material in the book has appeared in folkMAGazin over the last couple years in Kóka Rózália’s column with the same name. Kóka Rozália has compiled personal stories illustrating the lives and fates of people of Bukovina Székely heritage. Halász Péter’s forward provides an overview of the history and political background behind this small several times displaced ethnic group.