Articles by Initial Letters
„Elemi erők, belső tűz”
Beszélgetés Éri Péterrel
Interview with Éri Péter, musician with the Muzsikás Ensemble, on August 6th, 2013 – the day of a concert celebrating Muzsikás’ 40 years at Budapest’s Sziget Festival. Talking about the early days of Muzsikás and making trips to Transylvania to seek out traditional musicians there, Péter said: “Our trips there were not so much to collect music and do research, we went instead to really learn how to play music – as good as possible...”. About the 40th anniversary concert, he said, “... We don’t want to celebrate ourselves; we are celebrating the 40 we invited our musician friends from Hungary, and Balanescu, Jandó Jenő, Woven Hand, and village musicians, singers, and dancers – people whose level of artistry is fit for Hungary’s greatest stages.” By Kovácsy Tibor, first appeared in Magyar Narancs 2013/31.