44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 03
Apparantly at this year’s dance house festival (táncháztalálkozó) there was an open meeting with Hungarian journalist, Margittiai Gábor, who writes reviews on folk dance that are published in local newspapers. Szigetvári János has written a heated open letter to Margittai saying, amongst many other things, that he thinks the amateur public folk dance movement should be judged on different terms than professional folk dance in critical reviews. „I believe that whoever directs a professional group, should shoulder the weight, whether sweet or bitter. If he is brave enough to put his dances on stage, then he should be brave enough to bear the criticism published...” Szigetvári also thinks that Margittai lacks experience and insight and that his criticism does not aid the amateur folk dance movement.