44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 06
New Publication: [Changes in (Hungarian) Gypsy music and Gypsy musicians in the 19th/20th century from historical, social and cultural points of view] edited by Hajnáczky Tamás 2023. Gondolat Kiadó (in Hungarian) ISBN: 978-963-5564-38-5. This book contains 13 studies on subjects ranging from Liszt Ferenc to the Rostos family of Nyírvasvár, Hungary. Contributors are journalists, folklorists, literary historians and a jazz critic. Subject matter covered in the volume are: classical music, Hungarian nóta, Hungarian operetta, Hungarian jazz between the two world wars and Gypsy religious music. The editor is a sociologist and expert in minority politics. The reviewer writes: "The publication fills a gap in the literature…without romanticizing or demonising, through presentation of data and fact, stories that heretofore have not surfaced or were not allowed to come to the surface - are interpreted and explained." Review by Grozdits Károly.