Articles by Initial Letters
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A kevesebb pénz sem tudott rontani a Kaláka Fesztivál színvonalán
The Kaláka Festival is a world music festival that happens every year the second weekend in July, in the city of Miskolc, with most of the events held in the ruins of a castle in Diósgyőr on the outskirts of town. The Kaláka Band, who started the festival, play there every year and still participate in organizing the festival. Kaláka Band itself is an institution in Hungary, they play folk music and several generations have grown up on their music. The festival usually hosts several bands from outside of Hungary and a long line-up of the biggest names in Hungarian traditional, folk and world music. Plans are already underway for the 2009 Kaláka Festival, and the festival’s 30th anniversary. Given the economic situation here in Hungary, there is less and less public funding available to support these kinds of events, so the 2009 festival is planning a great program of Hungarian bands (rather than bringing bands from abroad). Report by K. Tóth László