Articles by Initial Letters
Dokumentumok a bukovinai székelyek életéből - IV. rész
Part IV – Documents from the life of the Bukovina Székely Hungarians relocated from Bukovina to Bácska/Bačka (in Serbia’s Voivodina region) in 1941. In 1944 and ’45 however, the Bukovina Hungarians had to flee from Bácska and go north to Hungary. Eventually they were allowed to settle mainly in Tolna, Somogy, Zala and Fejér counties in homes vacated by Swabian Hungarians that had been deported to Germany or sent to do forced labour in the Soviet Union in the aftemath of W.W.II.. Excerpts of governmental regulations from early 1945 stating who had to do forced labour, and whose land would be confiscated – are printed here. Series by Kóka Rozália.