Articles by Initial Letters
„Csak lélekben és gondolatban”
Veress Sándor (1907–1992) – Hungarian composer, folk music researcher, student of Kodály and Bartók. Born in Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Veress Sándor died in Bern Switzerland. He emigrated from Hungary in 1949. He studied under Kodály at the Hungarian Academy of Music in Budapest from 1925 to 1929, then as a student of Bartók until 1932. As long as he was in Hungary he maintained close contact with Kodály. As a result of his emigration, Hungary had been cut off for more than 40 years from contact with Veress and his work. This article from 2007 was part of an effort restore recognition of Veress’ life work in celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth, which was celebrated along with the 125th anniversary of Kodály’s birth. By Berlász Melinda (from Forrás 2007/12).