Articles by Initial Letters
Bukovina, Bukovina – XVIII. rész
Részletek Kóka Rozália könyvéből – XVIII. rész – A bukovinai székelyek története
Bukovina, Bukovina – Part 18. This final installment of excerpts from Kóka Rozália’s book of memoires provides us with a history of the Bukovina Székely Hungarians. It starts with historical information leading up to the 1764 massacre and expulsion of Székely villagers of Madéfalva/Siculeni in Transylvania’s Harghita County (today Romania), and tells how survivors ended up settling in Bukovina between 1776 and 1786. In the late 1800s groups of Bukovina Hungarians left to settle in other areas of Transylvania, Romania, Serbia. In the early 1900s a number of Bukovina Hungarians emigrated to Canada. In 1941 as a result of events related to WWII, the remaining Bukovina Hungarians were transported to Northern Serbia, where they were given land and houses. Three years later however they had to leave everything and flee into Hungary. They were finally placed in villages in Southwestern Hungary in 1946-47. Today some 300 families of Bukovina Hungarian descendants live in Érd, Hungary. Associations of Bukovina Hungarians exist in many places where descendants live, keeping their traditions and heritage alive.