Articles by Initial Letters
Bukovina, Bukovina – XVI. rész
Részletek Kóka Rozália könyvéből – XVI. rész
Bukovina, Bukovina – Part 16 – Excerpts from Kóka Rozália’s book of memoires. In 1992 Kóka Rozália was hired to work at the Hungarian Institute of Culture as organizer for folk singing groups of Hungarians and other ethnic groups in the Carpathian Basin, and to arrange professional help for leaders of traditional zither ensembles. In 1995 she instigated the establishment of the Vass Lajos Folk Music Association; activities of this organization through 2002 are listed. In 2008 she organized an excursion for her folk singing group to Transylvania to visit locations related to the Bukovina Székely people – such as Madéfalva, Csíksomlyó, Csíkzsögöd. In 2010 they went to Csernakeresztúr/Cristur in Transylvania and to Bukovina.