Articles by Initial Letters
Bukovina, Bukovina – VI. rész
Részletek Kóka Rozália könyvéből – VI. rész
Bukovina, Bukovina – Part VI. Excerpts from Kóka Rozália’s new book. This is the story of why in 1962 Rozália’s family moved from Tolna County to the town of Érd (just south of Budapest), and her first years working as a school teacher. In 1967 she was able to attend the Meeting of Volunteer Ethnographic and Dialect Researchers, where Dr. Morvay Péter head of documentation at the Ethnographic Museum and researcher Halász Péter encouraged her to pursue collection work amongst her people, the Bukovina Székelys. Halász recommended she research the Bukovina Székely custom of “kiböjtölés” – praying and fasting towards seeking revenge for something. This work became one of her important in-depth research projects, but the article she wrote on it did not get published at the time (1968). One of the tales about this custom is a tragic one involving a mother and a daughter.