44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 27
Bukovina, Bukovina – Part 14. Excerpts from Kóka Rozália’s book of memoires. Here Rozália describes the process of reconstructing the Bukovina Székely bethlehem pagent plays – a Christmastime custom. She collected texts, descriptions, objects, clothing from folks that had emmigrated from Bukovina to Hungary. She also gathered some elderly people that had participated in Bethlehem plays at home in Bukovina. Finally they performed the traditional play before Christmas of 1985 in Budapest and in the town of Érd at Epiphany, 1986. In 2002 her book on the subject was published by Fekete Sas Press. The process led to considerable recognition and Soros funding to do research in communities where Hungarians from Bukovina lived in Hungary’s Tolna and Baranya counties, then in Serbia’s Bácska region.