44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
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Initpage: 03
Farewells to Antal Zoltán – traditional fiddler, singer of Gyimesközéplok/Lunca de Jos, Transylvania, Romania. He died on February 28, 2017, was buried on March 2nd, he was 81 years old. He was known locally by the nicknames “Vak Zolti”, “Finánc Zolti” and was probably the last of the old generation of Gyimes fiddlers. In 2008 he was named Master of Folk Arts. He lost his sight as a child but fortunately had the ear and talent for music and an amazing memory, as well as the capacity also for doing all kinds of farm work despite his handicap. His music was documented by the most prominent traditional music researchers. By Halász Péter and Simoncsics János.