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Beszélgetés Pesovár Ernővel
Pesovár Ernő (1926-2008 dance historian, folk dance researcher) met Martin in the fall of 1946 when Martin was still in secondary school. They danced together in the Csokanai Ensemble led by Molnár István. Pesovár spoke here about: collecting and writing about dance together with Martin; about analysing the dance motifs and structure of the dances and dance’s relationship to the music; melody types; about travelling with Kodály to an international conference in Gottwaldov (Zlín, Czech Republic) to present their dance collection work in Szabolcs-Szatmár County; writing together about the Hungarian dance types; about doing field collection work on the stick dance with Martin amongst the Gypsies; research comparing the dances of neighboring ethnic groups; research on circle dances; Martin’s role in starting the dance house movement; and about how after 1970 Martin began to categorize and analyse Hungarian dance traditions.