44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 42
Lengyelfi Miklós (born 1930 television producer) Lengyelfi first met Martin in 1948 at Molnár István’s folk dance camp in Siofók. "After 1945 a folk dance movement began in Hungary, and it ended with the events of 1956…In the 1960s [Hungarian] TV was completely void of folkarts….By the mid 60s they had pretty much buried folk art." The popular televised folk song and "nota” competitions that began in 1969 inspired a surge of interest in the folk arts. Much later on Lengyelfi did a series for Hungarian TV with Martin and Pesovár Ernő called "Hungarian folk dances” concentrating on the places they’d been to document dance. "Martin was an intensive researcher, but he was humble… it’s interesting that people with such a huge knowledge are few and far between. [With Martin] there was no lack of self confidence, he was just so humble that those who didn’t know him had no idea that there could be so much in his head" . "During the folk song competitions it became clear [to Lengyelfi] that there were the authentic performers, that is the peasant singers, and then there were the young people who had learned the songs like Halmos, Sebő, Faragó Laura, Ferencz Éva…etc."