44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
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Initpage: 46
Borbély Jolán, Pálfy Gyula, Pávai István, Szőkéné Károlyi Annamária – amongst subjects discussed here were: Martin’s influence on Pávai István’s choice to concentrate his research on traditional Transylvanian instrumental music for dance; working with Martin as typist in the Folk Dance Department of the Institute of Musicology, then working with his manuscripts and library following his death; Martin’s many-faceted knowledge and overview; issues with collecting and transcribing instrumental folk music; making reports on field collection work; doing field collection work in Transylvania and the Romanain secret police (before 1990); research cooperation between Kallós and Martin; Martin’s main long term research informants, the traditional dancers – (1) Mátyás István Mundruc from the Kalotaszeg region of Transylvania, and (2) Karsai Zsigmond (from the Transylvanian village of Lőrincréve) both of whom were excellent dancers that were also capable of talking analytically about their dance.