44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 04
Kallós Zoltán: Balladás könyv. Collected by: Kallós Zoltán; Eds: Kallós Zoltán, Németh István. Kallós Zoltán Alapítvány, Válaszút, Romania 2014. 700 pages/ includes DVD. ISBN 978-973-0-17845-6. Kallós Zoltán was born in 1926, in the village of Válaszút/Răscruci, Kolozs County, Romania (Translyvania). He is an ethnographer and singer. He collected his first ballad in 1942 in his home village. Over the years his informants were between the ages of 9 and 89 years old, much of the material is still being sung today. His ballad collection work focused on Hungarians in Moldavia and in the Gyimes, Northern Mezőség and Kalotaszeg regions of Transylvania.