Articles by Initial Letters
Az Örökség Nemzeti Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Népművészeti Egyesület 2020. évi beszámolója
„Egy biztos: tartalmas, emlékezetes jubileumi évet zárunk”
Summary of the Hungarian Heritage Youth Folklore Association’s activities in 2020 – its 30 year anniversary. The annual Children’s Folk Dance Anthology, a festival showcasing the best children’s groups and choreographies of the previous year, was held in February in Szeged, Hungary. Due to the pandemic only two (Budapest and Tata) of several regional solo folk dance competitions planned for the year actually occurred. Regional children’s folk dance festivals were able to be held in Szekszárd, Bük, Szeged, Kecskemét and Veszprém despite compromises for health concerns. A camp for nurturing young talent in folk dance was held at the end of June in Szamoskér. 48 folk dance teachers met in Gyenesdiás in early September for a professional conference. In the early fall smaller festivals were held at several locations in Hungary under the heading of the National Dance House Festival. Report by president Sikentáncz Szilveszter and Fodor Zsófia.