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Étel- és italáldások az Ószövetségtől az iskolai menzáig - 1. rész
Conversation with Andrásfalvy Bertalan (born 1931) the last living member of the group of Hungarian folk dance researchers who starting in the 1950s did significant documentation work on traditional dances on location in Hungary and in Hungarian communities in surrounding countries. Mr. Andrásfalvy talks about the period when the dance research group was forming and the beginning of the revival movement. These are Andrásfalvy’s accounts of the early days of doing traditional dance collection work in the field. He mentions working with Martin, Maácz, Belényesi Márta, the Pesovár brothers, Kallós, and others. From an interview done by Sebő Ferenc and Dénes Zoltán in 2005 which was recently broadcast on Sebő’s program on Bartók Rádió in May of 2023.