44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 43
Szőkéné Károlyi Annamária: About the Karsai Zsigmond estate – much of which is housed in the manuscript archives of the Hungarian Institute of Musicology .
Szőkéné describes her work as colleague of the Hungarian Institute of Musicology and coordinator of a planned series of books on Karsai and his folk knowledge. At the time of this publication only one of the series had been published, two others have been prepared in manuscript form. The first book of the series on Karsai’s painting was published in 2010 by the Institute of Musicology.
"Karsai Zsigmond was much loved and respected by a great many people for his integrity and lifework...”
"Karsai had saved a half century’s worth of correspondence, announcements, etc…more than 3000 items…"