Articles by Initial Letters
Az „aventinusi tündér” - III., befejező rész
Szőnyi Zsuzsával a budai teraszon – III., befejező rész
Kóka Rozália’s series on women’s life stories. Part III. Conclusion: Szőnyi Zsuzsa’s life story. Zsuzsa (born: Budapest 1924) and her husband, the artist Triznya Mátyás, lived in Rome for five decades (1949–2007), where their house became a regular meeting place for Hungarians passing through or living in Italy. Many well-known literary figures, artists and scholars came to the informal gatherings in their home. Zsuzsa tells stories about their friendships with Fitz Jenő, Pilinszky János, Kerényi Károly, Márai Sándor, Cs. Szabó László, Békés Gellért, Peskó Zoltán – only a few of the people that passed through their lives and their „Triznya pub” evenings.