Articles by Initial Letters
Ágota, a népművész
In the wake of history Kóka Rozália’s series: life stories of Hungarian women. Most of the stories include the period the of WWII and the displacement of people during that period. The story in this issue is of nationally recognized Master of Folk Arts, traditional singer Mrs Illés Imre, Erdős Ágota, who was born in the village of Hadikfalva in Bukovina in 1929. She learned her songs there from her great-grandfather. She and her family were expelled from Bukovina in 1941 along with most of the Bukovina Hungarians. They relocated in Northern Serbia and but soon had to leave in the wake of events of WWII. Then they settled in Hungary’s Tolna County. Today she lives in the town of Érd near Budapest and sings with the Bukovina Székely Folk Song Circle there.