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A zenét az égiek adták, a földiek hordozzák
Fodor Neti Sándor prímás emlékére
In memory of Fodor Neti Sándor (b. 1922 – died Oct. 2004) – prímás – traditional fiddler from Kalotaszeg, Transylvania. „Sanyi bácsi brought us not only music, but a hint of it's cradle too... Sanyi Bácsi brought the secret to us – but he couldn't bring us everything from the villages of Szucság, Bodonkút, Méra where he learned his craft... anyone who wants the whole experience, must go there himself. Life is lived differently there, there are more threads connecting the people to one another... what could be brought over, he brought indeed... May he rest in peace.” Molnár Miklós