44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 41
New publication: Szokolszky Ágnes: [The life and family history of Déki Lakatos Sándor] Személyes Történelem, Budapest 2023, ISBN 9786156439277. An oral history told personally by violinist Déki Lakatos Sándor (born Budapest 1945). It takes the reader into the life of a Gypsy musician and member of a famous musician family dynasty. According to Déki-Lakatos, a successful Gypsy musician needs: "…extraordinary instrumental knowledge, large repertoir, excellent memory, high level of artistic and performing talent, musical intelligence, human intelligence, insight into human nature and outstanding leadership, negociation and language skills..." Recommendation by Dr. Hajnáczky Tamás.