Articles by Initial Letters
A színpadi hangosítás – II. rész
New publication: Hajnáczky Tamás: Bura Károly cigányprímás – Aktivista, revizionista, vizionarista [Bura Károly – Gypsy violinist, activist, revisionist, visionary] Noran Libro Kiadó, 2021. Budapest ISBN 978-963-517-203-0. A small monography introducing the life and career of the legendary Hungarian Gypsy lead violinist Bura Károly (1881–1934). It follows the path of Bura Károly’s life during the stormy period of history when the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy fell apart, and then when the Hungarian Gypsy musicians (along with their compatriots) lived through the traumas of the Treaty of Trianon. The book tells the history of the Hungarian Gypsy musicians who had to endure political measures and the ‘storms of history’ while their active lives were important in building both Hungarian and Gypsy culture. Historical science has largely overlooked the lives of people from the Gypsy ethnic group. Hajnáczky’s forward from the book and a recommendation by Elena Marushiakova are printed here.