Articles by Initial Letters
A mozgás misztériuma
Tanulmányok Fügedi János tiszteletére
New publication: [The mystery of movement – Papers honoring the work of Fügedi János]. Edited by: Pál-Kovács Dóra, Szőnyi Vivien. L’Harmattan. Budapest. 2020. This publication is a collection of papers celebrating and discussing the theme of dance notation and the work of Fügedi János – Hungary’s leading expert on dance notation and a director of the dance research department at the Hungarian Institute of Musicology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The volume includes academic studies by 26 contributors all of whom are experts on the subject matter or are from closely related fields. The majority of the studies are written in Hungarian; with some in English from international contributors. The book is divided into 4 chapters and includes Fügedi János’ selected bibliography. Report by Székely Anna.